Personalized Trade Show Tablecloths

Personalized Trade Show Tablecloths Manufacturer in China

Make a lasting impact with our personalized trade show tablecloths that leave no detail untouched. From seamless color matching to crisp logo printing, our customization process is geared towards helping you create a tablecloth that resonates with your brand aesthetics.

Personalized Trade Show Tablecloths

5 ft. Trade Show Table Cover

Orange-Printed-Table Cover

ICAP-Printed-Table Cover

Box-Fitted-Table Cover

Serged Closed-Back Fitted Table Cover - 6'

3-Sided 6 Ft Economy Dye-Sublimated Table Cover

3 Foot Dye Sub Tablel Cover

Logo Table Cover

Personalized Trade Show Tablecloths Introduction

4 FT Open Back Trade Show Table Cover

You may use our volume discounts even if your artwork is different for each table cover – e.g. if you have 5 different artworks for 5 table covers, you may upload 5 different artworks and pay for the volume discount of 5 table colths. Table covers have double stitched seams, come packaged in a frosted PVC bag with a miniature label showing artwork that was printed.

4 FT Trade Show Table Cover

Nunc interdum lacus sit amet orci. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse nisl elit, rhoncus eget, elementum ac, condimentum eget, diam. Quisque libero metus, condimentum nec, tempor a, commodo mollis, magna.

8FT Trade Show Table Cover

Very popular for trade shows. Fully customizable color and images. Suits the standard 8ft table in exhibition venues perfectly.

Custom Table Covers for 4 Foot Tables

The fitted table covers come in sturdy polyester fabric. These covers stay in great condition for long periods with tear-resistant material. Reuse the covers for countless events, as they remain pristine with proper care.

5 ft. Trade Show Table Cover

Fitted Table Covers Are Eye-Catching, Resilient, and Unique
If you’re marketing your local business at trade shows and expos, you need a convenient way to display your brand and attract attention. Using tables provides a surface for displays, and fitted table covers provide the opportunity to show your logo and tagline. Our covers fit snugly over tables for an easy way to stand out, and they give you storage access underneath.

Free Design
Free Sample

How it works?

Hassle-Free Event Planning

Design and Conceptualization

Our team of designers will work with you to create a customdesign and conceptualize your idea.

Material Selection

We only use high-quality materials that are carefullyselected to meet the needs of your product.

Sample Creation

We will create a sample of your product for your approvalbefore moving forward with production.


Our experienced team will produce your Promotional Productswith precision and attention to detail.

Quality Control

We have a strict quality control process to ensure that every product meets our high standards.

Packaging and Shipping

We will package and ship your products to your desired location,ensuring they arrive on time and in perfect condition.

Personalized Trade Show Tablecloths: The Complete FAQ Guide

What are personalized trade show tablecloths?

Personalized trade show tablecloths are custom-designed covers for display tables used at trade shows and events. They are tailored to feature your brand logo, colors, and messaging, helping your booth stand out and convey a professional image.

Why should I use personalized tablecloths for trade shows?

Personalized tablecloths serve as powerful branding tools. They help create a cohesive and professional look for your booth, make your brand easily recognizable, and draw attention to your products or services.

How can I customize my trade show tablecloth?

We offer a range of customization options, including selecting fabric type, color, size, and adding your brand logo and graphics. Our design team works closely with you to ensure your tablecloth aligns with your brand’s identity.

What sizes are available for personalized trade show tablecloths?

Our personalized tablecloths come in various standard sizes to fit different table dimensions commonly used at trade shows. We can also create custom sizes to accommodate unique requirements.

Can I match the tablecloth color to my brand colors?

Absolutely. We offer a wide range of color options, and our color-matching process ensures that your tablecloth’s color closely aligns with your brand’s specific shades.

What types of fabric are available for tablecloths?

We offer a variety of fabric options, including polyester, cotton, and blends. Each fabric type has its own texture and finish, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your brand image.

How durable are these tablecloths?

Our personalized trade show tablecloths are crafted with durability in mind. The materials we use are designed to withstand the wear and tear of trade show environments while maintaining a professional appearance.

Can I reuse the tablecloths for multiple events?

Yes, our tablecloths are designed to be reusable. With proper care and storage, you can use them for multiple trade shows and events, making them a cost-effective branding solution.

What's the turnaround time for creating personalized tablecloths?

Turnaround time varies depending on customization complexity and order volume. Our team works efficiently to deliver your personalized tablecloths within the agreed-upon timeframe.

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